Here is How DreamPress AI will Write Amazing Stories for You in 2024

DreamPress AI is an amazing tool that lets you write fictional stories in no time! Is your novelist urge looking for a similar tool? DreamPress AI is here to fulfil your urge. DreamPress AI uses the power of Artificial Intelligence to generate fiction stories from scratch. You can create your own personalized story about anything in an instant. Keep reading to learn more about DreamPress AI.

What is DreamPress AI?

DreamPress AI is a ground-breaking AI tool that is designed to generate any kind of fiction story from scratch. You can see it as AI tools like ChatGPT more specific for generate stories. You can generate stories in multiple genres like fantasy, romance, erotic, and adventure. Whether you are a fan of mysteries fantasy worlds, passionate romantic stories, or heart-racing adventures, DreamPress can generate stories according to your requirements.

DreamPress AI

You can either start sorties from scratch or choose already featured stories as a starting point. DreamPress AI also has an image library which is used to accompany stories. DreamPress is getting popular day by day. Over 37,000 writers are using this tool to create their own stories. Stories generated by DreamPress are not just engaging but also unique.

How does DreamPress AI work?

DreamPress AI uses Artificial Intelligence and cutting-edge algorithms to help writers by giving them direction for their stories. First, it helps people to come up with an idea. Once you have an idea, it helps you structure and organize your story from beginning to end. It can also adopt your writing style and write in your style. You will find that all features are very easy to use. The stories written by DreamPress are very interesting and have plot twists which make stories more engaging for readers.

How DreamPress AI can be Helpful?

Here are some cases where DreamPress AI will come in handy.

  1. Aspiring authors can use this tool to practice writing and develop stories for future publication.
  2. Teachers can generate engaging for their students to engage them in creative writing.
  3. You can create a story to entertain yourself.

Some Key Features of DreamPress AI

Ket’s look onto some key features of DreamPress AI

  1. It can generate unique stories based on input and preferences
  2. DreamPress AI has a lot of genres to offer. Whether you are into romance, fantasy, adventure, or even erotic.
  3. You can also observe other people writing their stories in real time. This is fun as well as inspirational.
  4. You can also remix other people’s stories and use those existing stories as your starting point. This allows you to collaborate with others and share your ideas.
  5. If you are looking for guidance for story writing, DreamPress AI also has to offer that.
  6. Alongside stories, DreamPress AI can also generate images and visuals for your stories.

If you are interested in more similar AI tools, don’t forget to check out: How Textero AI Lets You Generate Amazing Essay Easily!

DreamPress AI Subscription Plans

DreamPress AI comes with 2 Subscription plans. One is free and the other is paid.

  1. Free Plan: In the free plan, you generate up to 8 stories per day.
  2. Unlimited Plan: Unlimited plan will cost you $14.39 per month and it comes with unlimited stories and 1000 images for your stories.

You can choose a plan according to your requirements. If 8 stories per day are enough for you, then the free plan is for you. If you need more stories, then you should go for the unlimited plan.

How to use DreamPress AI to Generate Amazing Stories

DreamPress AI is very easy and straight forward to use.

  • Just head over to the DreamPress website and click on the “Login/SignUp” button.
  • Now enter your email and password.
  • DreamPress will send a link to your given email.
  • Click on that link to confirm your email.
  • Now click on “Create my first story”.
  • Select your story type and enter a prompt about your story in the text box.
  • The prompt should be at least 3-4 lines long.
  • The longer the prompt is, the better the story will be.
  • Now click on the “Generate my story free” button.
  • This will start generating your story.
DreamPress AI

Now, it will redirect you to a new window where you will select a title for your story. If you don’t like the title, you can click on the button” Regenerate”.

DreamPress AI

Next, it will generate characters for your story. You can add or remove characters according to your requirements.

DreamPress AI

The next step is to choose the framework for your story. You will have to choose from multiple frameworks.

DreamPress AI

In the next step, DreamPress will start generating the cover for your story. If you don’t like the cover, you can generate another one by giving some related keywords.

DreamPress AI

In the next step, it will create chapters of the story. You can fully customize the chapter name and the story in it. When you are done with your editing, click on the “Continue” button.

DreamPress AI

Now it will start finishing your story and once it is finished, it will present you with your story.

DreamPress AI

If you want to read stories by other people, scroll down on your home page and you will find stories generated by other people. You can read those stories and also remix with those stories.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I use DreamPress AI for free?

Yes, you can use it for free but you will only be allowed to generate 8 stories per day. For more stories, you will have to go for the unlimited plan.

  • Can DreamPress AI generate erotic stories?

DreamPress has a lot of genres to offer which also include erotic. You can generate any kind of stories you want.

  • Can I cancel my unlimited plan at any time?

Yes, DreamPres gives you the option to cancel your unlimited plan at any time you want.


In conclusion, DreamPress AI is a very useful tool for story writers to write stories using the power of Artificial Intelligence. You can write stories in any genre you want. DreamPress AI will write a unique story for you. The only limit is your imagination and how you describe your story.

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